Hope Works is an 19-minute documentary that takes viewers on an inspiring journey through the eyes of a group of emerging young filmmakers in Washington, D.C. These filmmakers, trained by students from American University, are tasked with documenting the transformative impact of the Run Hope Work (RHW) program on their peers. Over the course of four months, the filmmakers not only learn the art of storytelling and filmmaking but also capture the personal growth, struggles, and triumphs of young people participating in RHW's multifaceted programs.

The project began in October 2023, at Washington D.C.'s Covenant House, where the young filmmakers, under the guidance of mentors from American University, captured the essence of RHW’s training program. Over three weeks, the program's participants, including Kevin Walker, Program Manager, and Hilary Cairns, Executive Director, engaged in union training, meditation classes, and skill-building workshops. The filmmakers followed the journey of several participants as they worked toward building brighter futures for themselves.

Through this collaborative project, the youth filmmakers not only became witnesses to the life-changing work of RHW but also contributed their own voices to the narrative, learning filmmaking skills in a hands-on, real-world environment.

Run hope work

Run Hope Work is a nonprofit organization founded by Jose Ortiz. They provide a holistic support system for youth in D.C., offering training in vocational skills, workforce readiness, and physical fitness. Beyond the technical training, RHW places a strong emphasis on culturally relevant mentorship, character development, and resilience.

As they document the program’s weekly activities, these filmmakers witnessed firsthand how RHW nurtures self-confidence and determination in its participants, helping them navigate life’s challenges and build better futures. Through personal stories, including those of Brandon, Moriyah, and Quadir "Q," the documentary highlights not only the skills learned but also the transformative effect of mentorship and community on these young people’s lives.

Under the banner of the Anacostia Youth Media Festival, Hope Works was made possible through a partnership between Run Hope Work,  students in the Film and Media Arts Division in the School of Communication at American University, Covenant House, and the Humanities Truck of American University. The production team was a mix of experienced filmmakers and youth participants, creating a dynamic learning environment where skills were shared and developed. Professor Brigid Maher, founder of the Anacostia Youth Media initiative, led the project, guiding a team of graduate students, undergraduates, and alumni who mentored the young filmmakers throughout the process. Their efforts were supported by a grant from the Humanities Truck, which further emphasized the importance of community collaboration in bringing stories of hope and transformation to life.

In Hope Works, the filmmakers document a powerful message: no matter the obstacles, hope always works

Hope Works had a sneak preview at the anacostia youth media festival in SepteMber 2024, and will be going on a screening tour in Spring 2025

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